What is the future of work? Nothing is ever static, yet workplaces are still unnecessarily tied to remnants of another era that continue to hold them back. Here we explore the micro and macro-level opportunities for workplaces to move into a more human-centered, sustainable future.
Diverge, Converge, Repeat: The Secret Sauce of Team Creativity
Learn the secret structure of successfully getting people together to problem solve and narrow in on creative new ideas.
The Eight-Second Reality: Reframing Leadership and Organizational Change
In an era of shrinking attention spans, organizational culture and leadership practices must align with how people naturally engage with information today.
Facilitation Evolution: From Meeting Management to Strategic Team Skill
Moving away from meeting keepers to catalysts of collaboration, the facilitation space is adapting and evolving.
Structured Change for Unstructured Times: The ClimateReadyVT Approach to Building Small Business Resilience
Integrating structure change and design thinking principles and practices into climate resilience positions small businesses to not only survive but thrive.
A Leader’s Perspective on Managing Employee Mental Health Challenges in the Workplace
Prioritizing mental health in the workplace is the best place to start. The deeper work is managing a delicate balance of empathy and productivity.
Post-Vacation Email Quicksand Can Indicate Culture Challenges: Strategies for Staying Refreshed and Ahead
Avoiding days of email catch-up requires proactive measures, thoughtful policies, and a focus on nurturing a positive work culture.
Embracing Uncertainty: How Human-centered Design Thinking Fuels Future-Ready Strategies for Leaders
The future ain’t what it used to be, so leaders must embrace imagination, overcome biases, and cultivate a future-ready mindset to thrive in uncertain times.
Sketch It and Never Forget It: The Power of Visual Thinking
Kindergartners understand the magic and power of drawing. It’s time for us to embrace our inner child as we seek to find the next big idea.
The Magic of Turning Over Stones
Leave no stone unturned. You never know what could be waiting for your wondrous eyes. Are you willing to guide your team into uncovering the next big opportunity?
How Organizations Can Build Resilience by Reframing Career Paths for the Emerging Workforce
How can leaders build more resilient organizations? It starts with rethinking traditional career ladders.